Rhode Island Commandery Extends Hereditary Membership

At our meeting on October 30, 2022, the Rhode Island Commandery voted to extend hereditary membership to descendants of first cousins of eligible officers.

This action had been taken at the National level with the proviso that each state commandery have the choice of implementing it.

Previously, hereditary membership was open to descendants of eligible officers or descendants of siblings of eligible officers.

Inquiries are welcome from all who may be interested in hereditary membership in this, one of the oldest hereditary societies in the United States and one with particular relevance in our time.  Those who live in or near Rhode Island or who, regardless of current domicile, have connections to Rhode Island forces are especially welcome.

War Papers Index now online

A new index to the Rhode Island “War Papers” has been put online on the RI MOLLUS website. This page, with an author-title list with links to online archives of all 100 memoirs published from 1878 to 1915, can be viewed in the “War Papers” menu or here:

War Papers